The Storage of Various Items
Storage containers can be found with the Tools Platform 40x40
The main one is called SF Storage Rack
You can add to the storage rack by adding the item you wish to store say for example you want to add wool to the rack you need the item called SF Wool you place this inside the root prim for the storage rack. It will automatically add it to the rack and the button will appear on the menu. If you already have items inside your rack and the button does not appear you can reset the script and it will still keep a record of the current items it has stored.
If you want the new item in the hover menu add another prim to the storage rack link it with the root prim and call it Wool it will now show over the top of that prim with %.You can find the main storage rack with the Tools Platform 40x40
It's called SF Storage Rack. You can add items to the rack. Say you want to add Wool. You find the item called SF Wool and place that inside the root prim.
The SF Storage Rack will automatically add a button to the menu. You may find it not in alphabetical order however you can reset the SF Storage Rack without it affecting the items already stored in the rack and it will update the menu or just by adding any product it will update. If you want to see the new product in hover text you just add a prim and call it Wool and then link it to the root prim. It will update automatically and you will see the product name and % above the prim you added.
You can just delete the storagenc notecard as the notecard saves the levels of the other items BUT you can risk loosing some items. In tests done on my own doing so worked fine but the risk is there especially if your sim is experiencing problems
The other storage items are the SF Fridge, the Olive Barrel, the Wool Barrel. They all work in the same way.
If you want to use one prim only you can do so applying the same principle by adding the products to the prim and it will list the products and % above the prim instead
"Storage rack - stores multiple products. The script scans its inventory to generate the list of products automatically. "
Do not take any of the storage racks into your inventory with products loaded they will be removed upon re rezzing.
Updated about 5 years ago